Service and Knowledge Mobilization

For me, service and knowledge mobilization are central aspects of the privileged work I do as an academic. I believe in being an engaged scholar, who actively participates in community-oriented change. I also belong and contribute to several professional organizations. I value such affiliations as they serve to further my own learning, inquiry, and networking, and to continually challenge my own assumptions and perspectives. I am deeply committed to ensure that my teaching, research and scholarship makes a contribution not just to scholarly debates but that it also impacts educational policy and professional practice in schools, as well as broader public discourse.


Below is a brief outline of my professional service work at a faculty, university, local and national, my refereed conference and invited keynote presentations, and my professional/ public honours.



Faculty Level

  • Co-Lead, Global Education Cohort
  • Lead, Global Cohort Orientation
  • Lead, Global Cohort Brown Bag Lunch Seminar Series
  • Member, Teacher Education Program Council (TPEC)
  • Member, Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC) –representative for community outreach, relations and partners
  • Member, Global Education Research Network (GERN)

University Level

  • Speaker and member, Women in Leadership Speakers Series
  • Community Partners, Michaelle Jean Centre for Global and Community Engagement
  • Faculty Lead, Canada C3 – a signature project in celebration of Canada’s sesquicentennial year

Community Level

  • Co-Chair of Board of Directors, Youth Ottawa
  • Member, Environmental Education Steering Committee for Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

National Level

  • Member, National Working Group on ESE in Pre-Service Education
  • Member, Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM)
  • Member, North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)
  • Member, Civics Education Research Network (CERN)
  • Chair of the Education Advisory Committee, Students on Ice
  • Special Adviser, Canadian Museum of Nature’s Teacher Advisory Board
  • Founding Board Member, Forest School Canada
  • Advisor, Child Nature Alliance of Canada
  • National Judge, Toyota Earth Day Scholarship program
  • Co-Founder, Youth Up
  • Member, Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario (COEO)
  • Member, Ontario College of Teachers (OCT)


My goal in speaking at conferences, community events, and institutions is to spark dialogue, engagement, inspiration, and collaboration.

Please see below for a brief selection of Refereed Conference Presentations and Invited Keynote Presentations.

Refereed Conference Presentations

  1. Glithero, L. (2016). Examining the Impacts of Nature-based Learning on Primary-aged Students in the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, University of Calgary, AB.
  2. Truong-White, H., McLean, L., Bergen, J., Glithero, L. & Rottmann, J. & (2016). Learning to Teach Citizenship: Collaborative Partnerships and Service-Learning in Teacher Education. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, University of Calgary, AB.
  3. Bergen, J., McLean, L., Truong-White, H., Glithero, L. & Rottman, J. (2016). Student Teachers’ Civic Development: Community Service-learning in Teacher Education Programs. Paper presented at the Canadian Alliance for Community Service Learning, Calgary, AB.  
  4. Glithero, L. (2015). Good Stewards or Change Agents? Exploring the Development of Student Agency from the Perspective of Young Eco-Civic Leaders in Canada.  Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, University of Ottawa, ON.
  5. Truong-White, H., McLean, L., Bergen, J., Rottman, J., & Glithero, L. (2015).  Becoming civics educators and actors: Teacher candidates and community service learning. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, University of Ottawa, ON. Our paper was profiled as a CSSE President’s Spotlight presentation.
  6. Glithero, L. (2015). Learning as “outputting:” Perspectives of Young Eco-Civic Leaders in Canada on the Development of Student Agency. Paper presented at the International Association of the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, University of Ottawa, ON.
  7. Bergen, J., McLean, L., Truong-White, H., Rottmann, J. & Glithero, L. (2015). Youth civic identities: cultivating spaces for engagement through campaigns, social media, and arts-based competencies. Paper presented at the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, University of Ottawa, ON.
  8. Glithero, L. (2014). Reconnecting Youth to Nature—Discovering the Greatest Classrooms on Earth.  (Invited) panel presentation at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Ottawa, ON.
  9. Glithero, L. (2014). Researching and Developing Student Agency.  Paper presented at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Ottawa, ON.
  10. McLean, L., Ng-A-Fook, N., Kane, R., Reimer, K., Glithero, L., & Crowe, T.  (2014). A Global Perspective: Translating Collaborative Inquiry into Civic Engagement for Youth. Paper presented at 1st Annual International Conference on Democratic Citizenship (IACDC), Marrakesh, Morocco.
  11. McLean, L., Crowe, T., Ng-A-Fook, N., Kane, R., Leet, L., Reimer, K. & Glithero, L.  (2013). Building partnerships to support social justice for all learners. Panel Presentation at the Interdisciplinary Education Conference hosted by the North American Chapter-World Council for Curriculum and Instruction, Montreal, PQ.
  12. Ng-A-Fook, N., Kane, R. & Glithero, L. (2013). Three Faculties Mobilizing Citizenship Education Toward Global Justice: Social Studies, Curriculum Development, and a Critical Framework for Civic Engagement. Panel presentation at the Ontario Ministry of Education Forum, Toronto, ON.
  13. Ng-A-Fook, N., Kane, R., Glithero, L. & Crowe, T. (2013). Mobilizing Citizenship Education to The Edges: Curriculum Development, Equity, and Networking Research Partnerships. Paper presented at Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Victoria, BC.
  14. Glithero, L. (2013).  Exploring Student Agency from a Youth Perspective. Paper presented at Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Victoria, BC.
  15. Glithero, L. & Crowe, T. (May 2012).  Mobilizing a Global Citizenship Perspective with Educators: Environmental Sustainability, Social Justice and Youth Civic Engagement. Presentation at the Ontario Ministry of Education Forum, Toronto, ON.
  16. Glithero, L. & Crowe, T. (2012). Mobilizing a Global Citizenship Perspective with Educators: Environmental Action Learning.  Paper presented at the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication, University of Waterloo, ON.
  17. Glithero, L. (2010). Exploring Student Agency in Environmental Learning. Paper presented as part of a panel presentation titled: Consciousness, Agency, and Critical Approaches to Education at the North American Association of Environmental Educators Conference, Buffalo, NY.
  18. Glithero, L.  (2010). Engendering Agency in Education Commons. Paper presented at the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.

Invited Keynote Presentations

  1. Glithero, L. (2015, March). Community Service Learning: Youth Engagement in Action. Centre for Global and Community Engagement, Ottawa, ON.
  2. Glithero, L. (2014, October). Connecting Youth to Nature through Experiential, Place, and Inquiry-based Learning. Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, ON.
  3. Glithero, L. (2014, September). The Youth Effect: Developing Eco-Civic Leadership.  Encounters with Canada (Historica Canada), Ottawa, ON.
  4. Glithero, L. (2013, June). Cultivating Active Citizenship: Inspiring Young Canadians to Make a Difference. Aga Khan Foundation Canada, Ottawa, ON.
  5. Glithero, L. (2013, June). Exploring the Levers to Sustainable Change. Ottawa Carleton District School Board’s High School Environmental Learning Conference, Ottawa, ON.
  6. Glithero, L. (2012, May). Education for Change: Building Bridge Between and Beyond. Community Colleges of Ontario Conference at Niagara College, Barrie, ON.
  7. Glithero, L. (2012, February). The Youth Effect: Fusing environmental, civic and “good” education. University of Ottawa’s Teaching Choices Symposium, Ottawa, ON.
  8. Glithero, L. (2010, January). Sustainability as the New Norm. Concordia University’s Student Union Speaker Series, Montreal, PQ.
  9. Glithero, L. (2009, June). Inspiring Learning Communities in Higher Education. Canadian Association of College and University Student Services Conference, Waterloo, ON.
  10. Glithero, L. (2008, November). Education for Change: Sustainability, Stewardship, and Agency. Science Teachers Association of Ontario (STAO) Conference, Toronto, ON.


Other institutions or organizations that have invited me as a Keynote Presenter:

  • Canadian Student Leadership Conference
  • Health Canada
  • Science Teachers Association of Ontario (STAO)
  • D. Latornell Conservation Symposium
  • Acadia University
  • Nature Canada
  • George Brown College
  • City of Toronto Annual Stewardship Forum
  • Ontario Nature
  • International Polar Year Polar Educators Conference
  • ACTUA’s National Conference
  • South Western Alberta Teachers Conference
  • United Nations International Youth Summit, COP15, Montreal
  • Lester B. Pearson College
  • East Harlem School, New York
  • Sudbury’s Regional Centre of Expertise Launch Event
  • Canadian Arctic Climate Change Speaking Tour, Nunavut
  • Upper Lakes Environmental Research Network, Sault St. Marie, ON


Refereed Conference Presentations

  1. Glithero, L. (June 2015). Good Stewards or Change Agents? Exploring the Development of Student Agency from the Perspective of Young Eco-Civic Leaders in Canada. Presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Ottawa, ON.
  2. Truong-White, H., McLean, L., Bergen, J., Rottman, J., & Glithero, L. (June 2015). Teacher Candidates as Agents of Change: Community Service Learning and Civic Education. (Presidential Spotlight Session) presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Ottawa, ON.
  3. Glithero, L. (May 2015). Learning as “outputting:” Perspectives of Young Eco-Civic Leaders in Canada on the Development of Student Agency. Presentation at the International Association of the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Ottawa, ON.
  4. Truong-White, H., McLean, L., Bergen, J., Rottman, J., & Glithero, L. (June 2015). Youth Civic Identities: Cultivating spaces for engagement through lobbying, social media, and arts-based competencies. Presentation at the International Association of the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Ottawa, ON.
  5. Glithero, L. (September 2014). Reconnecting Youth to Nature—Discovering the Greatest Classrooms on Earth. (Invited) panel presentation at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Ottawa, ON.
  6. Glithero, L. (September, 2014). Researching and Developing Student Agency. Presentation at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Ottawa, ON.
  7. McLean, L., Ng-A-Fook, N., Kane, R., Reimer, K., Glithero, L., & Crowe, T. (February 2014). A Global Perspective: Translating Collaborative Inquiry into Civic Engagement for Youth. Paper presentation at 1st Annual International Conference on Democratic Citizenship (IACDC), Marrakesh, Morocco.
  8. McLean, L., Crowe, T., Ng-A-Fook, N., Kane, R., Leet, L., Reimer, K. & Glithero, L. (October 2013). Building partnerships to support social justice for all learners. Panel Presentation at the Interdisciplinary Education Conference hosted by the North American Chapter-World Council for Curriculum and Instruction, Montreal, Quebec.
  9. Ng-A-Fook, N., Kane, R. & Glithero, L. (May 2013). Three Faculties Mobilizing Citizenship Education Toward Global Justice: Social Studies, Curriculum Development, and a Critical Framework for Civic Engagement. Panel presentation at the Ontario Ministry of Education Forum, Toronto, ON.
  10. Ng-A-Fook, N., Kane, R., Glithero, L. & Crowe, T. (June 2013). Mobilizing Citizenship Education to The Edges: Curriculum Development, Equity, and Networking Research Partnerships. Panel presentation at Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference, Victoria, BC.
  11. Glithero, L. & Crowe, T. (May 2012). Mobilizing a Global Citizenship Perspective with Educators: Environmental Sustainability, Social Justice and Youth Civic Engagement. Presentation at the Ontario Ministry of Education Forum, Toronto, ON.


Professional/Public Awards

  • 2016—Meritorious Service Medal, Governor General of Canada, Rideau Hall, Ottawa, CA
  • 2008—Chatelaine’s 80 Amazing Canadian Women to Watch, Toronto, CA
  • 2006—Yves Rocher Foundation Woman of the Earth Award, Paris, FR


For a PDF of some testimonials from my presentations, click here.


“It involves people taking up the power of agency that is latent in every situation requiring change and becoming implicated participants in changing the status quo.”
(Heather Menzies, 2014, Reclaiming the Commons for the Common Good)